
What Clinical Professionals Say About Maximizing eCOA

Mike Hughes,
Chief Product Officer, YPrime

  1. Timelines and data quality: The top concerns that repeatedly surfaced in the survey results include timelines/delays, data quality, data change capabilities, protocol amendments, tech flexibility, and technology ease-of-use.
  2. Measures of success: Survey respondents site visit compliance, diary/scale compliance, and patient enrollment status as the top indicators of endpoint collection success.
  3. Integration with other technologies: Use of wearables and sensors in clinical research is increasing, and clinical professionals expect them, as well as other eClinical systems, to integrate with their eCOA platform for greater insights. 
  4. eCOA provider relationship: The clinical operations team primarily drives the selection of eCOA providers, with data quality, user interface/ease-of-use, and faster study start-up being important considerations. The burden of switching eCOA providers includes establishing new third-party integrations, procurement qualification of the new provider, and the loss of customizations with the incumbent eCOA provider.
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