Our IRT Platform
Solves Your Challenges.
62% say trial
delays are
the #1 issue
With their IRT.2
65% say protocol amendments
take ~6 weeks
To implement.2
88% say data
quality is the
#1 attribute
When choosing an IRT platform.2
Configurability Delivers Speed, Flexibility, and Certainty.
YPrime’s IRT platform was purpose-built to easily make study changes. Quickly modify text fields, change demographic questions, add/remove visits, revise dispensations, add new cohorts, and more—all faster than your competitors.
Minimize Risk with
Industry-Leading Quality
Quality is integral to clinical trial success. At YPrime, our IRT platform provides complete clinical trial data disclosure, offering direct access to data throughout the study lifecycle.
Data Monitoring Improves Decision-Making.
YPrime IRT empowers you to gain a deeper understanding of your clinical trials through robust data monitoring.
Our platform helps you:
YPrime IRT—Faster, More Compliant,
and Cost-Efficient.
Startup times.
Amendment implementation.
Clinical trial data integrations.
YPrime has proven to be quite flexible in setting up solutions but also adjusting midway, being able to change back-end programming to adjust and accommodate earlier stage changes.
We’ve got you covered with strategies and solutions to improve your clinical trial technology, reduce clinical research site burden, and transform your patient experience.
Let’s get started today!
Check Out What Our Experts Have to Say
about trial design, data capture, operational efficiencies, and, ultimately, solving for certainty in clinical research.