Insights into CNS Clinical Trials
CNS trials face unique challenges. Unlike trials in other therapeutic areas where there are readily observable physical symptoms, CNS studies evaluate subjective patient experiences such as cognitive function, mood, behavior, pain, and fatigue, which are difficult to quantify consistently and objectively.
This is where eCOA can help. An electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) platform offers a powerful solution to overcome these challenges and accelerate the development of life-changing neurological treatments.
Insights into CNS Clinical Trials
A survey of clinical research professionals
Download the white paper to discover:
The urgency of CNS research
Unique challenges in CNS trials
The power of eCOA platforms
Real-world insights from industry leaders
Optimizing CNS research for success

Karl McEvoy
Vice President, eCOA and Patient Technologies, YPrime

Drew Bustos
Chief Marketing Officer, YPrime

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